Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Beginnings

Well, finally. . .
Taking the plunge.
Why today?
I don't know. There is something in the air. . .
Something more than the aroma of a winter stew on the stove. More then the scent of good dirt on the potatoes I just dug from the garden.
My friend Anita just finished presenting at the N. C. Governor's Conference on Women. She shared with the esteemed gathering her work on women's circles, on conscious aging, on living fully. She was and is supported by rippling waves of women throughout the world, women she has met with her full heart and her open acceptance. The candle continues to burn in my kitchen, to help carry her words.
My friend Peggy picks herself up once again and goes out into the corporate world, showing these people whose world is steeped in business that there is space for who they are, that they can bring themselves. She will help them, although right now she is sometimes unsure which Marriott elevator she is in, in which country.
Jean edits her new manuscript and labors tirelessly for the Fifth International Conference on Women; Rebecca promotes her new book on open adoption, Francis her book of poetry, Diana her novel. All work into the world with themselves wide open. . .
I shall get used to this. . .knowing that as soon as I learn how, I can post pictures of the gardens, of travels, of. . .well, I guess that too I will learn. . .
Meanwhile, back to stirring the stew. . .

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