Friday, December 3, 2010

Predawn Anatomy

The horizon is now skeletal, this early winter, this December morning. These early visions disappear in moments, never to return in exactly the same form. Five minutes after I shivered on the back deck, metal camera raised to my face, the color was washed away, the sun closer to the day, our North Carolina day. As far as I know, the sun is not aware of this planet that rolls so deliciously in its bath of light and warmth. Deliciously as if it were all play, a planet only now waking to gratitude and care for this gift given so freely - without ceasing - for billions of years.
Now, a bit later, the sun is up. The grass sparkles with frost diamonds; the comfrey slumps, its large furry leaves frozen in a pile, like sleeping, satisfied lovers. I have broken the ice on the bird baths; the squirrels have made their way - again - to the feeders despite all the impediments. I shall open the cold frames a bit later, to give the greens a more direct drink of light and to allow them to breathe. Oddly, closed in their glass box, a winter sun through below-freezing air can roast them as surely as could July. July is not their friend. July would be lethal. So Mama needs to pay attention. . .a calling to be sure. . .