Friday, June 29, 2012

What we could learn. . .

A friend who was sexually tortured by her parents tells me a story.

She has been watching a goose couple who have moved into her pond.  She has born witness as they have laid eggs, and started to raise a brood of six.

"The Mommy and Daddy and six children," she calls them.  A little family.

She tells me how the parents protect the little ones, how the father stays awake all night, vigilant on behalf of his wife and the babies, on the lookout for predators.  My friend turns on her outside lights to help.

She tells me how when they head to the pond for swimming lessons, the Daddy leads and the Mommy brings up the rear; how when they gather on the bank, the Mommy is at one end of the row of little ones, the Daddy on the other.

She tells me that she talks to the Daddy, "You are the best father, you take such good care of your little family," she says.

"I wish I'd had a Daddy like you."

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